This notebook is a simple comparison of OpenAI vs SBERT embeddings. I'm using a small subset of "The Pile", which is a diverse open-source language modeling dataset.
I speculate that this behavior of OpenAI's embeddings is why Andrej Karpathy felt the need to use SVM for nearest neighbor lookups, instead of simple cosine similarity. I suspect that if one were to use embeddings which fill out the space better, like SBERT, the improvement that comes from using SVM (which is costly) for nearest-neighbor lookups will be small.
from datasets import load_dataset
from itertools import islice
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
import openai
from openai.embeddings_utils import get_embedding, cosine_similarity
import os
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
p10k = load_dataset("NeelNanda/pile-10k", split="train")
Using custom data configuration NeelNanda--pile-10k-72f566e9f7c464ab Found cached dataset parquet (/Users/venu/.cache/huggingface/datasets/NeelNanda___parquet/NeelNanda--pile-10k-72f566e9f7c464ab/0.0.0/2a3b91fbd88a2c90d1dbbb32b460cf621d31bd5b05b934492fdef7d8d6f236ec)
p10k[0, 1].keys()
dict_keys(['text', 'meta'])
p10k[0, 0]["meta"][0]
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
p10k[80, 0]["meta"][0]['pile_set_name']
# get pile_set_name for each example, and count frequencies of each pile_set_name
names = [p10k[i, 0]["meta"][0]['pile_set_name'] for i in range(len(p10k))]
from collections import Counter
Counter({'Pile-CC': 2524, 'Github': 855, 'OpenWebText2': 1520, 'StackExchange': 1399, 'Wikipedia (en)': 779, 'PubMed Abstracts': 1423, 'USPTO Backgrounds': 514, 'FreeLaw': 241, 'PubMed Central': 259, 'Enron Emails': 47, 'HackerNews': 81, 'NIH ExPorter': 104, 'Books3': 9, 'ArXiv': 91, 'DM Mathematics': 99, 'OpenSubtitles': 27, 'BookCorpus2': 2, 'Ubuntu IRC': 2, 'YoutubeSubtitles': 11, 'EuroParl': 6, 'PhilPapers': 5, 'Gutenberg (PG-19)': 2})
# make a dictionary with pile_set_name as key, and pick the first example
# from each pile_set_name that's at least num_chunks * chunk_size characters long
samples = {}
num_chunks = 10
chunk_size = 1000
for i in range(len(p10k)):
name = p10k[i, 0]["meta"][0]['pile_set_name']
text = p10k[i, 0]["text"][0]
if name not in samples and len(text) > chunk_size * num_chunks:
# chunk up text into chunks of chunk_size characters each
chunks = [text[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0, chunk_size*num_chunks, chunk_size)]
samples[name] = chunks
dict_keys(['Pile-CC', 'USPTO Backgrounds', 'FreeLaw', 'PubMed Central', 'StackExchange', 'Books3', 'OpenWebText2', 'ArXiv', 'Github', 'OpenSubtitles', 'Wikipedia (en)', 'BookCorpus2', 'HackerNews', 'Ubuntu IRC', 'YoutubeSubtitles', 'PhilPapers', 'Gutenberg (PG-19)', 'EuroParl'])
for k, v in islice(samples.items(), 1):
print(k, len(v), v[0])
Pile-CC 10 It is done, and submitted. You can play “Survival of the Tastiest” on Android, and on the web. Playing on the web works, but you have to simulate multi-touch for table moving and that can be a bit confusing. There’s a lot I’d like to talk about. I’ll go through every topic, insted of making the typical what went right/wrong list. Concept Working over the theme was probably one of the hardest tasks I had to face. Originally, I had an idea of what kind of game I wanted to develop, gameplay wise – something with lots of enemies/actors, simple graphics, maybe set in space, controlled from a top-down view. I was confident I could fit any theme around it. In the end, the problem with a theme like “Evolution” in a game is that evolution is unassisted. It happens through several seemingly random mutations over time, with the most apt permutation surviving. This genetic car simulator is, in my opinion, a great example of actual evolution of a species facing a challenge. But is it a game?
# Common function for computing similarity matrix and visualizing it
def compute_similarities_and_plot(embs: dict, name: str, num_classes=6):
selected_samples = dict(islice(samples.items(), num_classes))
sims_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=selected_samples.keys(), index=selected_samples.keys())
for k1, v1 in selected_samples.items():
for k2, v2 in selected_samples.items():
# get average of 10 cosine similarity values
sum = 0
l = 10
for i in range(l):
rnd1 = random.randint(0, len(v1)-1)
rnd2 = random.randint(0, len(v2)-1)
sum += cosine_similarity(embs[k1][rnd1], embs[k2][rnd2])
sims_df.loc[k1][k2] = float(sum / l)
# not sure why I'm needing this, but otherwise it's inferring the type as object
sims_df = sims_df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) # increase figure size for better visibility
sns.heatmap(sims_df, annot=True, cmap='YlGnBu', vmin=0, vmax=1)
plt.title(f'Avg. cosine similarities using {name} embeddings')
# get average and std. dev of the entries along the diagonal in sims_df
text1 = "Average self-similarity {:.2f}, {:.2f}".format(np.mean(np.diag(sims_df)), np.std(np.diag(sims_df)))
# get average and std. dev of all the entries except the diagonal in sims_df
non_diagonal_ix = np.where(~np.eye(sims_df.values.shape[0],dtype=bool))
non_diagonal_mean = np.mean(sims_df.values[non_diagonal_ix])
non_diagonal_std = np.std(sims_df.values[non_diagonal_ix])
text2 = "Average non-self-similarity {:.2f}, {:.2f}".format(non_diagonal_mean, non_diagonal_std)
plt.text(0, -1, text1 + "\n" + text2, fontsize=12)
return sims_df
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
embedding_model = "text-embedding-ada-002"
cosine_similarity(get_embedding(samples["Pile-CC"][0], engine=embedding_model), get_embedding(samples["Pile-CC"][1], engine=embedding_model))
len(get_embedding(samples["Pile-CC"][0], engine=embedding_model))
cosine_similarity(get_embedding(samples["Pile-CC"][0], engine=embedding_model), get_embedding(samples["FreeLaw"][0], engine=embedding_model))
openai_embs = {}
for k1, v1 in samples.items():
openai_embs[k1] = [get_embedding(v1[i], engine=embedding_model) for i in range(len(v1))]
sims_df = compute_similarities_and_plot(openai_embs, "OpenAI")
No matter how different the two inputs, the cosine similarity of the two resulting embeddings is 0.66 or greater!
model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
util.cos_sim(model.encode(samples["Pile-CC"][0]), model.encode(samples["Pile-CC"][1]))
# Double check that openai's implementation of cosine similarity returns the same results
cosine_similarity(model.encode(samples["Pile-CC"][0]), model.encode(samples["Pile-CC"][1]))
util.cos_sim(model.encode(samples["Pile-CC"][0]), model.encode(samples["FreeLaw"][0]))
sbert_embs = {}
for k1, v1 in samples.items():
sbert_embs[k1] = [model.encode(v1[i]) for i in range(len(v1))]
sbert_sims = compute_similarities_and_plot(sbert_embs, "SBERT")
There's a much greater separation between the diagonal and the off-diagonal entries here, which makes much more sense and matches my intuition.
One hypothesis I can think of is that there are some useless dimensions, i.e. there is very little variation in those dimensions across different sentences.
# convert openai_embs, which is currently a dictionary, to a matrix
openai_embs_matrix = np.zeros((len(openai_embs)*len(openai_embs["ArXiv"]), len(openai_embs["ArXiv"][0])))
sbert_embs_matrix = np.zeros((len(sbert_embs)*len(sbert_embs["ArXiv"]), len(sbert_embs["ArXiv"][0])))
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(openai_embs.items()):
for j in range(len(v)):
openai_embs_matrix[i*len(v)+j] = openai_embs[k][j]
sbert_embs_matrix[i*len(v)+j] = sbert_embs[k][j]
# make sure we built the matrices correctly
print(np.sum(openai_embs_matrix[0] - openai_embs["Pile-CC"][0]))
print(np.sum(sbert_embs_matrix[0] - sbert_embs["Pile-CC"][0]))
0.0 0.0
# make sure we built the matrices correctly
print(np.count_nonzero(openai_embs_matrix) - np.shape(openai_embs_matrix)[0] * np.shape(openai_embs_matrix)[1])
print(np.count_nonzero(sbert_embs_matrix) - np.shape(sbert_embs_matrix)[0] * np.shape(sbert_embs_matrix)[1])
0 0
# let's get std. dev along each column of openai_embs_matrix
openai_std = np.sqrt(np.var(openai_embs_matrix, axis=0))
sbert_std = np.sqrt(np.var(sbert_embs_matrix, axis=0))
# let's plot the distribution of std. dev in the same plot
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) # increase figure size for better visibility
sns.histplot(sbert_std, kde=True, label='SBERT')
sns.histplot(openai_std, kde=True, label='OpenAI')
plt.title('The distribution of std. dev. within each dimension of OpenAI vs SBERT embeddings')
It looks like most of the dimensions in OpenAI's embeddings span a very narrow range, compared to SBERT's.
Apparently, there's a slightly different way of getting Open AI's embeddings (even for the same model), and somehow the two methods don't return the same result! The two methods are "openai.Embedding.create" vs "openai.embeddings_utils.get_embedding". The latter is what I see used in OpenAI Cookbook on Github but let's just try the former as well, to see if the results are any different.
oa2_embs = {}
for k1, v1 in samples.items():
oa2_embs[k1] = [openai.Embedding.create(model=embedding_model,input=v1[i],)["data"][0]["embedding"] for i in range(len(v1))]
_ = compute_similarities_and_plot(oa2_embs, "OpenAI2")
The resulting plot looks very similar, although it's not exactly the same. Not sure why there's two different ways of using OpenAI's embeddings, but looks like they have similar characteristics.