Learning low-dimensional representations (aka embeddings) for nodes in a graph is a fundamental primitive. (Ask ChatGPT for some explanation and references if needed.)
Methods that are being compared: Roughly I selected three different approaches from three different eras:
Synthetic Graphs: I chose the simplest synthetic graph generation technique: the so-called Stochastic Block Model (SBM). The generated graphs are undirected and unweighted, and generally have clear underlying cluster structure. I evaluate on two kinds of SBM: disjoint SBMs (where each node belongs to a single cluster), and overlapping SBMs (where each node has both a primary and a secondary cluster). The latter graphs have a more complicated structure.
Tasks: The primary task that the methods are being evaluated on is edge prediction on held-out edges. We can also consider "identifying underlying clusters" and/or "removal of 'noisy' edges" as another task that is less quantifiable but still important.
import torch
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, TensorDataset
from torch import nn
from torcheval.metrics import BinaryPrecision, BinaryRecall, BinaryNormalizedEntropy, BinaryAUROC, BinaryAccuracy, MeanSquaredError
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Union
import pandas as pd
Here's some code I wrote for generating SBM graphs. As noted in the comments below, it's geared towards being simple rather than being efficient. In the cells below, I visualize the generated graph which should make it easy to understand what's being generated.
class SBM:
A class for generating SBM (stochastic block model) graphs.
Each graph consists of equal-sized clusters; the user can specify the size of the graph
and the number of clusters.
This is a simple, rather than optimal, implementation. Not recommended for graphs with more
than a thousand or so vertices.
def __init__(self, numNodes: int, numClusters: int):
assert numNodes >= 3 * numClusters, "numVertices needs to be >= 3 * numClusters"
assert numNodes % numClusters == 0, "numVertices must be a multiple of numClusters"
self.numNodes = numNodes
self.numClusters = numClusters
self._nonSparseResult = None
self._assignedClusters = None
self._clusterSize = numNodes / numClusters
def _getFirstCluster(self, i: int):
return int(math.floor(i) / self._clusterSize)
def _getSecondCluster(self, i: int):
firstCluster = self._getFirstCluster(i)
secondCluster = firstCluster - 1 if (i % self._clusterSize) <= self._clusterSize / 2 else firstCluster + 1
if secondCluster < 0:
secondCluster = self.numClusters - 1 # wrap around the left and go to the right extreme
if secondCluster == self.numClusters:
secondCluster = 0 # wrap around the right and go to the left extreme
assert secondCluster != firstCluster, f"Both clusters are same for node {i}"
return secondCluster
Generates a graph with disjoint aka non-overlapping clusters. The probability of an edge
inside a cluster is given by 'withinClusterProb' parameter; all other edges are sampled
with probability 'globalProb'.
The method returns two objects in a tuple. The first is the generated graph, as a
dense n x n NumPy array. The second is the assignment of clusters to each node,
in an sparse.coo_matrix of shape n x k. This second object is also referred to as
the 'original SBM embdding'.
def generateDisjointSBM(self, withinClusterProb: float, globalProb: float):
assert 0 < withinClusterProb < 1, "withinClusterProb must be between 0 and 1"
assert 0 < globalProb < 1, "globalProb must be between 0 and 1"
def getLabel(i: int, j: int):
hashValue = hash(str(min(i, j)) + ":" + str(max(i, j)))
if self._getFirstCluster(i) == self._getFirstCluster(j):
return abs(hashValue % 1000) <= withinClusterProb * 1000
return abs(hashValue % 1000) <= globalProb * 1000
self._nonSparseResult = np.array([[int(getLabel(i, j)) for j in range(self.numNodes)] for i in range(self.numNodes)])
nodeToClusterWts = np.array([math.sqrt(withinClusterProb)] * self.numNodes)
nodeToClusters = np.array([(i, self._getFirstCluster(i)) for i in range(self.numNodes)])
self._assignedClusters = sparse.coo_matrix((nodeToClusterWts, (nodeToClusters[:, 0], nodeToClusters[:, 1])))
return (self._nonSparseResult, self._assignedClusters)
Generates a graph with overlapping clusters. Each node belongs to two clusters - a primary
and a secondary cluster. Probability of an edge (u, v) is highest if u and v share both
primary and secondary clusters; second highest if they share only the primary cluster;
third highest if they share only the secondary cluster; and the least if they share no cluster.
The method returns two objects in a tuple. The first is the generated graph, as a
dense n x n NumPy array. The second is the assignment of clusters to each node,
in an sparse.coo_matrix of shape n x k. This second object is also referred to as
the 'original SBM embdding'.
def generateOverlappingSBM(self, probFor1stCluster: float, probFor2ndCluster: float, globalProb: float):
assert 0 < probFor1stCluster < 1, "probFor1stCluster must be between 0 and 1"
assert 0 < probFor2ndCluster < 1, "probFor2ndCluster must be between 0 and 1"
assert 0 < globalProb < 1, "globalProb must be between 0 and 1"
probForTwoClusters = 1 - (1 - probFor1stCluster) * (1 - probFor2ndCluster)
def getProb(i: int, j: int):
if self._getFirstCluster(i) == self._getFirstCluster(j) and self._getSecondCluster(i) == self._getSecondCluster(j):
return probForTwoClusters
elif self._getFirstCluster(i) == self._getFirstCluster(j):
return probFor1stCluster
elif self._getSecondCluster(i) == self._getFirstCluster(j) or self._getSecondCluster(j) == self._getFirstCluster(i):
return probFor2ndCluster
return globalProb
def doesEdgeExist(i: int, j: int):
p = getProb(i, j)
hashValue = hash(str(min(i, j)) + ":" + str(max(i, j)))
return abs(hashValue % 1000) <= p * 1000
nodeToClusterWts = np.array([1, 0.5] * self.numNodes)
nodeToClusterIs = np.array([[i, i] for i in range(self.numNodes)]).flatten()
nodeToClusterJs = np.array([[self._getFirstCluster(i), self._getSecondCluster(i)] for i in range(self.numNodes)]).flatten()
self._assignedClusters = sparse.coo_matrix((nodeToClusterWts, (nodeToClusterIs, nodeToClusterJs)))
self._nonSparseResult = np.array([[int(doesEdgeExist(i, j)) for j in range(self.numNodes)] for i in range(self.numNodes)])
return (self._nonSparseResult, self._assignedClusters)
Now let's generate some SBM graphs. Let's start with a simple graph with 200 nodes arranged into 5 clusters (or blocks), and where each node belongs to a single cluster. The probability of an edge between two nodes in the same block is 0.5, and 0.05 otherwise.
n = 200
numClusters = 4
sbm = SBM(n, numClusters)
(full, sbmEmbs) = sbm.generateDisjointSBM(0.5, 0.05)
plt.imshow(full, cmap="binary")
plt.title("Input matrix")
As can be seen above, the graph has 5 clusters/blocks, which are the nodes 1-40, 41-80, 81-120, 121-160, and 161-200. Most of the edges in the graph are concentrated inisde these clusters, with a random smattering of edges outside.
We will be making more visualizations of this sort, and it'll be helpful to view all of them together. To make that easy, let us make a dictionary to hold all these matrices that we'll visualize together.
plotMatrices = {}
plotMatrices["input"] = full
We also have the sbmEmbs
object which indicates which cluster each node belongs to. We can treat this also as a sparse embedding of the input nodes, and use it as a baseline to compare the other methods against. Using it as a baseline is only for the purposes of understanding; in actual applications, we won't have access to this information.
sbmEmbsDense = sbmEmbs.todense()
sbmEmbsDense[0, :]
matrix([[0.70710678, 0. , 0. , 0. ]])
We can reconstruct the original matrix from these cluster assignments. The edges outside the clusters that are randomly scattered about are not recovered, while each cluster becomes a perfect clique.
# Let's put this code in a function so it's easy to reuse
def plotReconstructed(m: torch.Tensor, t: float, name: str):
sp = torch.where(m >= t, m, 0)
plt.imshow(sp, cmap="binary")
plt.title(f"Matrix reconstructed using {name}")
t = torch.tensor(sbmEmbs.todense())
bsmReconstructed = t @ t.transpose(1, 0)
# Use a nominal threshold of 0.01
plotReconstructed(bsmReconstructed, 0.01, "Original SBM embeddings")
plotMatrices["Original SBM embeddings"] = bsmReconstructed
## Create a tensor with (n choose 2) rows and 3 columns.
## NOTE: Since we're dealing with undirected graphs, it's important to generate (n choose 2) rows
## and not all n^2 rows, to avoid the same node pair
## being present in both train and test splits, which will result in leakage.
## First 2 columns indicate the node ids and 3rd column indicates whether an edge is present.
fullTensor = torch.tensor([(i, j, full[i, j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(i+1, n)])
fullX = fullTensor[:, 0:2]
fullY = fullTensor[:, 2]
fullData = TensorDataset(fullX, fullY)
## 95% train, 5% test
trainSplit, testSplit = torch.utils.data.random_split(fullData, [0.95, 0.05])
## For SVD and NMF, we need to prepare a sparse.coo_matrix as input.
## We will now represent an edge in both directions and prepare a symmetric matrix.
trainColsHalf = np.array([[x[0][0].item(), x[0][1].item(), y.item()] for x, y in DataLoader(trainSplit)])
trainColsOtherHalf = np.column_stack((trainColsHalf[:, 1], trainColsHalf[:, 0], trainColsHalf[:, 2]))
trainCols = np.concatenate((trainColsHalf, trainColsOtherHalf))
spTrain = sparse.coo_matrix((trainCols[:, 2], (trainCols[:, 0], trainCols[:, 1]))).astype(float)
We will run SVD using the scipy.sparse.linalg
package's implementation, which is optimized for sparse matrices, and for fetching only the top k singular vectors (instead of the full decomposition).
We will start by running SVD for as many dimensions as there exist blocks/clusters in the graph. Later we will see what happens if we use fewer.
k = numClusters
uOrig, s, vOrig = sparse.linalg.svds(spTrain, k)
u = torch.tensor(uOrig @ np.sqrt(sparse.diags(s)))
v = torch.tensor(np.sqrt(sparse.diags(s)) @ vOrig)
# Verify that u and v are transposes of one another.
assert torch.norm(u - v.transpose(1, 0), 1) < 1e-5
# From here on, we can just operate with u.
torch.Size([200, 4])
Before we test the quality of the SVD formally, we can reconstruct the input matrix using the SVD's learned representation, and inspect it visually.
svd_reconstructed = u @ u.transpose(1, 0)
plt.imshow(svd_reconstructed, cmap='binary')
plt.title("Matrix reconstructed using rank-4 SVD")
The reconstructed matrix looks pretty good. Let's see if there's a clear separation in the values of this reconstructed matrix.
import seaborn as sns
sns.displot(svd_reconstructed.view(n * n))
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17a542400>
Looking at the above distribution, it looks like we can roughly use 0.2 as a cutoff. Only scores above 0.2 are considered to be predictions of an edge. Let us replot the reconstructed matrix using 0.2 as the threshold.
plotReconstructed(svd_reconstructed, 0.2, "rank-4 SVD, 0.2 threshold")
plotMatrices["rank-4 SVD, threshold=0.2"] = torch.where(svd_reconstructed >= 0.2, svd_reconstructed, 0)
Nice! That got rid of most of the entries outside the four blocks.
Now, let's inspect the singular vectors and values themselves.
array([21.12315604, 21.7613485 , 21.94558578, 31.22483268])
The singular values are all close to one another, indicating that the 4 vectors are of roughly similar importance.
To inspect the singular vectors, let's put them in a Pandas DataFrame for easy visualization.
labels = pd.DataFrame(
[(i, f"cluster-{int(math.floor(i/(n/numClusters)))}") for i in range(n)],
columns=["node id", "label"]
u_no_labels = pd.DataFrame(
[(i, j, u[i, j].item()) for i in range(u.shape[0]) for j in range(u.shape[1])],
columns=["node id", "dimension", "singular value"]
u_df = pd.merge(u_no_labels, labels, on="node id")
node id | dimension | singular value | label | |
0 | 0 | 0 | -0.117971 | cluster-0 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0.378479 | cluster-0 |
2 | 0 | 2 | 0.306548 | cluster-0 |
3 | 0 | 3 | 0.309092 | cluster-0 |
4 | 1 | 0 | -0.066635 | cluster-0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
795 | 198 | 3 | 0.379236 | cluster-3 |
796 | 199 | 0 | -0.164781 | cluster-3 |
797 | 199 | 1 | -0.624238 | cluster-3 |
798 | 199 | 2 | 0.297157 | cluster-3 |
799 | 199 | 3 | 0.462232 | cluster-3 |
800 rows × 4 columns
import seaborn as sns
sns.displot(data=u_df, y="singular value", hue="label", kind="kde", col="dimension")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17aaba970>
Looking at the above plots, it's clear that dimensions 0, 1, and 2 are putting the different clusters in different locations, while dimension 3 mostly just groups them all together. Dimension 3 also is the one with the highest singular value (~31), while the others have singular values around ~22. I suspect Dimension 3 is mostly for modeling the "background noise" in the graph.
Given this, can we just ignore the top eigenvector, since we don't particularly care about modeling the noise?
Before we do that, let us run SVD with higher dimensionality and look at the series of singular values to check if there's any more "important" dimensions past the top 4.
u10, s10, v10 = sparse.linalg.svds(spTrain, 10)
array([ 8.06950667, 8.25533259, 8.38545345, 8.41279599, 8.79846492, 9.09562103, 21.12315604, 21.7613485 , 21.94558578, 31.22483268])
Ok, so we see a gap between the first 6 and the last 4 singular values, suggesting that most of the information is contained in those last 4 dimensions.
Let us now get rank-3 and rank-2 SVD by discarding the eigenvector which we just observed doesn't carry much information.
u3 = u[:, 0:3]
u2 = u[:, 1:3]
svd3_reconstructed = u3 @ u3.transpose(1, 0)
svd2_reconstructed = u2 @ u2.transpose(1, 0)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17ad0b700>
Looks like 0.05 would be a good threshold for Rank-3 SVD.
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17ac74160>
Looks like 0.1 might be a good threshold for Rank-2 SVD.
plotReconstructed(svd3_reconstructed, 0.05, "Rank-3 SVD, threshold=0.05")
plotMatrices["rank-3 SVD, threshold=0.05"] = torch.where(svd3_reconstructed >= 0.05, svd3_reconstructed, 0)
That looks pretty good, very comparable to Rank-4 SVD.
Let us visualize the reconstruction from Rank-2 SVD as well.
plotReconstructed(svd2_reconstructed, 0.1, "Rank-2 SVD, threshold=0.1")
plotMatrices["rank-2 SVD, threshold=0.1"] = torch.where(svd2_reconstructed >= 0.1, svd2_reconstructed, 0)
This doesn't look as clean as the previous results. Definitely there's a degradation in going from Rank-3 to Rank-2.
Let us now see how quantify the performance of the SVD embeddings on predicting edges in the held-out set. (Remember that SVD was run on the 95% training split). Before we get to evaluation, here's a helper function to run the eval.
from torcheval.metrics import BinaryPrecision, BinaryRecall, BinaryNormalizedEntropy, BinaryAUROC, BinaryAccuracy, MeanSquaredError
def evaluate(predFn: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], data: TensorDataset, threshold=0.2, posClassWeight=1):
Evaluate predFn on data. predFn takes as input a n x 2 Tensor and returns an n x 1 Tensor with the predicted
scores in the (0, 1) range.
loader = DataLoader(data, batch_size=1000)
prec = BinaryPrecision(threshold=threshold)
rec = BinaryRecall(threshold=threshold)
bne = BinaryNormalizedEntropy()
acc = BinaryAccuracy()
auroc = BinaryAUROC()
mse = MeanSquaredError()
for x, y in loader:
pred = predFn(x).float()
prec.update(pred, y)
rec.update(pred, y)
acc.update(pred, y)
mse.update(pred, y)
classWeights = torch.where(y > 0, posClassWeight, 1)
bne.update(pred, y.float(), weight = classWeights)
auroc.update(pred, y)
return {
"Mean. Squared Error": mse.compute().item(),
"Accuracy": acc.compute().item(),
"Precision": prec.compute().item(),
"Recall": rec.compute().item(),
"AUROC": auroc.compute().item(),
"CrossEntropy": bne.compute().item(),
# Prediction function for SVD
def predFnSVD(x: torch.Tensor):
# Dot product between first node's vector and second node's vector.
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(u[x[:, 0]], u[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
# Truncate the result to the [0, 1] range.
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
# We determined previously that 0.2 is a good threshold
evaluate(predFnSVD, testSplit, threshold=0.2)
{'Mean. Squared Error': 0.10492630302906036, 'Accuracy': 0.8251256346702576, 'Precision': 0.5340909361839294, 'Recall': 0.8057143092155457, 'AUROC': 0.806425087108014, 'CrossEntropy': 2.8229927343857906}
Cool, so we have some results. Let's move on to the other methods and generate results for them too, so we can compare them all.
Let us make a dictionary to hold these results in, so we can keep adding results in for different methods and at the end we can view them side-by-side.
resultsDict = {}
resultsDict["rank-4 SVD"] = evaluate(predFnSVD, testSplit, threshold=0.2)
def predFnSVD3(x: torch.Tensor):
# Dot product between first node's vector and second node's vector.
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(u3[x[:, 0]], u3[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
# Truncate the result to the [0, 1] range.
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
r = evaluate(predFnSVD3, testSplit, threshold=0.05)
resultsDict["rank-3 SVD"] = r
{'Mean. Squared Error': 0.11589575558900833, 'Accuracy': 0.8231155872344971, 'Precision': 0.5340909361839294, 'Recall': 0.8057143092155457, 'AUROC': 0.827993031358885, 'CrossEntropy': 7.816683964620758}
There's a marked degradation in CrossEntropy, but the other metrics are very similar between Rank-4 and Rank-3 SVD. CrossEntropy generally degrades the further one moves away from calibrated probabilities.
Let's see the results for Rank-2 SVD.
def predFnSVD2(x: torch.Tensor):
# Dot product between first node's vector and second node's vector.
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(u2[x[:, 0]], u2[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
# Truncate the result to the [0, 1] range.
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
r = evaluate(predFnSVD2, testSplit, threshold=0.1)
resultsDict["rank-2 SVD"] = r
{'Mean. Squared Error': 0.13715985417366028, 'Accuracy': 0.8241205811500549, 'Precision': 0.5026177763938904, 'Recall': 0.5485714077949524, 'AUROC': 0.7824947735191637, 'CrossEntropy': 7.727273555680658}
Let's use SciKitLearn's NMF implementation.
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
nmf = NMF(n_components=k, max_iter=1000)
nmf_w = nmf.fit_transform(spTrain)
nmf_w = torch.tensor(nmf_w)
nmf_w[0, :]
tensor([0.1290, 0.0321, 0.0196, 0.0000], dtype=torch.float64)
nmf_reconstructed = nmf_w @ nmf_w.T
plt.imshow(nmf_reconstructed, cmap="binary")
Let's see what the distribution of values in the reconstructed matrix is.
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17a969790>
Looks like there's two groups, which are naturally separated at ~0.15, so let's use that as a threshold and replot the reconstructed matrix.
plotReconstructed(nmf_reconstructed, 0.2, "Rank-4 NMF, threshold=0.2")
plotMatrices["rank-4 NMF, threshold=0.2"] = torch.where(nmf_reconstructed > 0.2, nmf_reconstructed, 0)
So, for some reason one block is entirely not modeled by NMF. Let's see if increasing the rank from 4 to 5 fixes that.
_nmf5 = NMF(n_components=k+1, max_iter=1000)
nmf5 = _nmf5.fit_transform(spTrain)
nmf5 = torch.tensor(nmf5)
nmf5_reconstructed = nmf5 @ nmf5.T
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17b841340>
plotReconstructed(nmf5_reconstructed, 0.2, "Rank-5 NMF, threshold=0.2")
plotMatrices["rank-5 NMF, threshold=0.2"] = torch.where(nmf5_reconstructed > 0.2, nmf5_reconstructed, 0)
Now we're able to recover all 4 clusters, although qualitatively the result still looks worse than what we got with SVD.
Let's inspect the dimensions as we did with SVD to see what we can find.
labels = pd.DataFrame(
[(i, f"cluster-{int(math.floor(i/(n/numClusters)))}") for i in range(n)],
columns=["node id", "label"]
nmf_no_labels = pd.DataFrame(
[(i, j, nmf5[i, j].item()) for i in range(nmf5.shape[0]) for j in range(nmf5.shape[1])],
columns=["node id", "dimension", "nmf value"]
nmf_df = pd.merge(nmf_no_labels, labels, on="node id")
node id | dimension | nmf value | label | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0.074428 | cluster-0 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0.014905 | cluster-0 |
2 | 0 | 2 | 0.008584 | cluster-0 |
3 | 0 | 3 | 0.000000 | cluster-0 |
4 | 0 | 4 | 0.197860 | cluster-0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
995 | 199 | 0 | 0.000000 | cluster-3 |
996 | 199 | 1 | 0.018866 | cluster-3 |
997 | 199 | 2 | 0.854780 | cluster-3 |
998 | 199 | 3 | 0.040215 | cluster-3 |
999 | 199 | 4 | 0.054105 | cluster-3 |
1000 rows × 4 columns
sns.displot(data=nmf_df, y="nmf value", hue="label", kind="kde", col="dimension")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17c13dc10>
It looks like each cluster gets its own dimension, pretty much. E.g. for dimension 0, only nodes belonging to one of the clusters have non-zero values while the other 3 clusters mostly have a value of 0. The embeddings here definitely seem more interpretable and "cleaner" for a human to understand.
Let us run the same evaluation we did for SVD, and see how it compares. As before, we need to define a prediction function.
def predFnNMF(x: torch.Tensor):
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(nmf_w[x[:, 0]], nmf_w[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
r=evaluate(predFnNMF, testSplit, threshold=0.2)
resultsDict["rank-4 NMF"] = r
{'Mean. Squared Error': 0.12357822060585022, 'Accuracy': 0.8261306285858154, 'Precision': 0.5179487466812134, 'Recall': 0.5771428346633911, 'AUROC': 0.7115679442508711, 'CrossEntropy': 0.9776723544278366}
Let's also evaluate the rank-5 NMF results.
def predFnNMF5(x: torch.Tensor):
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(nmf5[x[:, 0]], nmf5[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
r=evaluate(predFnNMF5, testSplit, threshold=0.2)
resultsDict["rank-5 NMF"] = r
{'Mean. Squared Error': 0.11834811419248581, 'Accuracy': 0.8231155872344971, 'Precision': 0.521327018737793, 'Recall': 0.6285714507102966, 'AUROC': 0.7588188153310105, 'CrossEntropy': 1.1398319600440663}
Let's move on to PyTorch + SGD.
The loss function we will optimize here is CrossEntropy. The prediction function aka the forward pass is simple; given parameters $b$ (scalar) and $emb$ (matrix of rank $n \times k$), $f(i, j) = b + dot(emb[i], emb[j])$. The output of this prediction function is treated as a logit, so if you want a probability, you'll need to apply the sigmoid to that.
The code below also optionally adds L1 and L2 penalties to the CrossEntropy loss. I found that these parameters were hard to tune, so in the end I am setting these to zero. My main motivation for adding these penalities, L1 penalty especially, was to see if one could learn sparse, interpretable embeddings this way, but I was not able to make this happen. I also tried using other loss functions such as hinge loss and MSE, but learning sparse, interpretable embeddings proved elusive.
class GraphEmbeddingPyTorch(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n: int, k: int, rseed: int):
g = torch.Generator().manual_seed(rseed)
self.n = n
self.k = k
#self.embs = torch.randn((n, k), generator = g, requires_grad=True)
self.embs = torch.empty(n, k, requires_grad=True) #, generator = g, requires_grad=True)
nn.init.sparse_(self.embs, sparsity=0.75, std=1)
self.b = torch.tensor([0.], requires_grad=True) #torch.randn(1, generator = g, requires_grad=True)
self.params = [self.embs, self.b]
def forward(self, x):
assert x.shape[1] == 2, f"input needs to have 2 columns, received shape is {x.shape}"
return self.b + torch.sum(torch.mul(self.embs[x[:, 0]], self.embs[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
def hingeLoss(preds, actuals, threshold, posClassWeight=1):
preds -= threshold
actuals = torch.where(actuals <= 0, -1, actuals)
signs = -actuals * preds
loss = torch.where(signs > 0, signs, 0)
weightedLoss = torch.where(actuals > 0, posClassWeight * loss, loss)
return torch.mean(weightedLoss)
def train(
data: TensorDataset,
n: int,
k: int,
rseed: int=50,
nepochs: int = 10,
batchSize: int = 100,
l2: float = 0.0,
l1: float = 0.0,
posClassWeight: float = 1.0
emb = GraphEmbeddingPyTorch(n, k, rseed)
print(f"Avg L1 norm at init time:{torch.norm(emb.embs, 1).item() / n}")
optim = torch.optim.Adam(emb.params)
loader = DataLoader(data, batch_size = batchSize, shuffle = True)
lossesTraining = [0] * nepochs
l1Penalties = [0] * nepochs
l2Penalties = [0] * nepochs
print("Training epoch ", end="")
epoch = 0
while epoch < nepochs:
numBatchesInEpoch = 0
for x_batch, y_batch in loader:
preds = emb.forward(x_batch)
actuals = y_batch.float()
#classWeights = torch.where(actuals > 0, posClassWeight, 1)
#loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(preds, actuals, classWeights)
loss = hingeLoss(preds, actuals, threshold=0, posClassWeight=posClassWeight)
if l1 > 0:
l1Penalty = l1 * torch.norm(emb.embs, 1)
loss += l1Penalty
l1Penalties[epoch] += l1Penalty.item()
if l2 > 0:
l2Penalty = l2 * torch.norm(emb.embs, 2)
loss += l2Penalty
l2Penalties[epoch] += l2Penalty.item()
#print(f"non-zero fraction {torch.count_nonzero(emb.embs).item() / torch.numel(emb.embs): .3f}")
lossesTraining[epoch] += loss.item()
numBatchesInEpoch += 1
lossesTraining[epoch] /= numBatchesInEpoch
l1Penalties[epoch] /= numBatchesInEpoch
l2Penalties[epoch] /= numBatchesInEpoch
if epoch % 1 == 0:
print(f"Epoch {epoch}: Loss {lossesTraining[epoch]: .3f}, l1Penalty {l1Penalties[epoch]: .3f}, " +
f"non-zero fraction {torch.count_nonzero(emb.embs).item() / torch.numel(emb.embs): .3f}")
if epoch > 20:
rollingAvg1 = torch.mean(torch.tensor(lossesTraining[epoch-20:epoch-10])).item()
rollingAvg2 = torch.mean(torch.tensor(lossesTraining[epoch-10:epoch])).item()
if abs(rollingAvg1 - rollingAvg2)*100/rollingAvg1 < 0.01:
print(f"Ending because loss is asymptoting (rollingAvg1: {rollingAvg1}, rollingAvg2: {rollingAvg2})")
epoch += 1
return emb, lossesTraining[0:epoch], l1Penalties[0:epoch], l2Penalties[0:epoch]
sgd, trainingLosses, l1losses, l2losses = train(trainSplit, n, k, nepochs=2, posClassWeight=1, l1=0.01)
plt.plot(trainingLosses, "-", l1losses, ":")
plt.legend(("Total", "L1 penalty"))
plt.title("Losses during training of PyTorch embeddings")
The training takes ~150 epochs for this dataset, and in terms of wall-clock time this is ~10 seconds on my M1 laptop. I did not spend any time trying to optimize this code - afaict, the PyTorch code I have is not doing any under-the-hood parallelization. A real implementation would probably try to leverage GPUs or at least multiple cores on the CPU.
Ok, so let's go through the same sequence of steps we took with the other approaches. First, let's see the distribution of values in the reconstructed matrix.
with torch.no_grad():
sgd_reconstructed = torch.sigmoid(sgd.b + torch.matmul(sgd.embs, torch.t(sgd.embs)))
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17c0e5be0>
Looks like 0.2 should be a good dividing point between the two groups of predicted values, again.
plotReconstructed(sgd_reconstructed, 0.2, "Rank 4 PyTorch SGD")
plotMatrices["rank-4 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2"] = torch.where(sgd_reconstructed >= 0.2, sgd_reconstructed, 0)
This looks pretty neat, and qualitatively looks perhaps better than NMF, and comparable to SVD.
Let's visualize the learned embeddings themselves, and for that let's put the data into a Pandas DF.
labels = pd.DataFrame(
[(i, f"cluster-{int(math.floor(i/(n/numClusters)))}") for i in range(n)],
columns=["node id", "label"]
sgd_no_labels = pd.DataFrame(
[(i, j, sgd.embs[i, j].item()) for i in range(sgd.embs.shape[0]) for j in range(sgd.embs.shape[1])],
columns=["node id", "dimension", "SGD emb. value"]
sgd_df = pd.merge(sgd_no_labels, labels, on="node id")
node id | dimension | SGD emb. value | label | |
0 | 0 | 0 | -0.988454 | cluster-0 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0.948778 | cluster-0 |
2 | 0 | 2 | 0.348047 | cluster-0 |
3 | 0 | 3 | -0.263395 | cluster-0 |
4 | 1 | 0 | -0.907781 | cluster-0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
795 | 198 | 3 | -1.065125 | cluster-3 |
796 | 199 | 0 | 0.977552 | cluster-3 |
797 | 199 | 1 | -0.815554 | cluster-3 |
798 | 199 | 2 | 1.565421 | cluster-3 |
799 | 199 | 3 | -0.419137 | cluster-3 |
800 rows × 4 columns
sns.displot(data=sgd_df, y="SGD emb. value", hue="label", kind="kde", col="dimension")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x17c191820>
It seems that the clusters do overlap in each dimension, but at the same time there does seem to be some separation. The dimensions are definitely not as easily interpretable as NMF.
Let us now quantify the link prediction performance.
def predFnSGD(x: torch.Tensor):
return torch.sigmoid(sgd.forward(x))
with torch.no_grad():
r = evaluate(predFnSGD, testSplit, threshold=0.2)
resultsDict["rank-4 PyTorch SGD"] = r
{'Mean. Squared Error': 0.1081441193819046, 'Accuracy': 0.8331658244132996, 'Precision': 0.505415141582489, 'Recall': 0.800000011920929, 'AUROC': 0.8010801393728223, 'CrossEntropy': 0.8022971148381689}
Like we did with SVD, let's also evaluate rank-3 and rank-2 embeddings.
sgd3, _, _, _ = train(trainSplit, n, 3, nepochs=1000, posClassWeight=1)
Avg L1 norm at init time:2.247059020996094 Training epoch ..0....20....40....60....80....100....120.. Ending because loss is asymptoting (rollingAvg1: 0.0031042308546602726, rollingAvg2: 0.0031044920906424522)
sgd2, _, _, _ = train(trainSplit, n, 2, nepochs=1000, posClassWeight=1)
Avg L1 norm at init time:1.5638401794433594 Training epoch ..0....20....40....60....80....100....120....140....160.. Ending because loss is asymptoting (rollingAvg1: 0.003326084464788437, rollingAvg2: 0.003326407400891185)
with torch.no_grad():
sgd3_reconstructed = torch.sigmoid(sgd3.b + torch.matmul(sgd3.embs, torch.t(sgd3.embs)))
plotMatrices["rank-3 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2"] = torch.where(sgd3_reconstructed >= 0.2, sgd3_reconstructed, 0)
plotReconstructed(sgd3_reconstructed, 0.2, "Rank-3 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2")
This looks good, and qualitatively no worse than the Rank 4 version.
with torch.no_grad():
sgd2_reconstructed = torch.sigmoid(sgd2.b + torch.matmul(sgd2.embs, torch.t(sgd2.embs)))
plotMatrices["rank-2 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2"] = torch.where(sgd2_reconstructed >= 0.2, sgd2_reconstructed, 0)
plotReconstructed(sgd2_reconstructed, 0.2, "Rank-2 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2")
This looks really good as well.
Ok, let's evaluate on the held-out set.
def predFnSGD3(x: torch.Tensor):
return torch.sigmoid(sgd3.forward(x))
with torch.no_grad():
r = evaluate(predFnSGD3, testSplit, threshold=0.2)
resultsDict["rank-3 PyTorch SGD"] = r
{'Mean. Squared Error': 0.10556985437870026, 'Accuracy': 0.8321608304977417, 'Precision': 0.5202952027320862, 'Recall': 0.8057143092155457, 'AUROC': 0.8044459930313589, 'CrossEntropy': 0.7640621297606107}
def predFnSGD2(x: torch.Tensor):
return torch.sigmoid(sgd2.forward(x))
with torch.no_grad():
r = evaluate(predFnSGD2, testSplit, threshold=0.2)
resultsDict["rank-2 PyTorch SGD"] = r
{'Mean. Squared Error': 0.10683386772871017, 'Accuracy': 0.8281406760215759, 'Precision': 0.5202952027320862, 'Recall': 0.8057143092155457, 'AUROC': 0.8112334494773519, 'CrossEntropy': 0.7800505547462152}
dict_keys(['input', 'Original SBM embeddings', 'rank-4 SVD, threshold=0.2', 'rank-3 SVD, threshold=0.05', 'rank-2 SVD, threshold=0.01', 'rank-4 NMF, threshold=0.15', 'rank-5 NMF, threshold=0.15', 'rank-4 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2', 'rank-3 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2', 'rank-2 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2'])
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 2)
rec = "Reconstructed with "
axs[0, 0].imshow(plotMatrices["input"], cmap="binary")
axs[0, 0].set_title("Input Matrix")
axs[0, 1].imshow(plotMatrices["Original SBM embeddings"], cmap="binary")
axs[0, 1].set_title("Original SBM embeddings")
axs[1, 0].imshow(plotMatrices["rank-4 NMF, threshold=0.15"], cmap="binary")
axs[1, 0].set_title("Rank-4 NMF")
axs[1, 1].imshow(plotMatrices["rank-5 NMF, threshold=0.15"], cmap="binary")
axs[1, 1].set_title("Rank-5 NMF")
axs[2, 0].imshow(plotMatrices["rank-4 SVD, threshold=0.2"], cmap="binary")
axs[2, 0].set_title("Rank-4 SVD")
axs[2, 1].imshow(plotMatrices["rank-2 SVD, threshold=0.01"], cmap="binary")
axs[2, 1].set_title("Rank-2 SVD")
axs[3, 0].imshow(plotMatrices["rank-4 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2"], cmap="binary")
axs[3, 0].set_title("Rank-4 PyTorch SGD")
axs[3, 1].imshow(plotMatrices["rank-2 PyTorch SGD, threshold=0.2"], cmap="binary")
axs[3, 1].set_title("Rank-2 PyTorch SGD")
fig.suptitle("Reconstructed matrices with different approaches.")
# Rank-3 SVD is omitted as it's very similar to Rank-4 SVD. Similarly, Rank-3 PyTorch SGD is also omitted.
for ax in axs.flat:
Rank-4 SVD looks the cleanest of all and NMF looks the worst of all. It looks like for PyTorch SGD, Rank-2 is actually better than Rank-4. Possibly this is due to more overfitting. I omitted Rank-3 results for SGD and SVD for brevity.
Let's check the quantitative results now. Before we do that, let's also get the numbers for "BSM embeddings", just for comparison.
t = torch.tensor(sbmEmbs.todense())
def predFn(x: torch.Tensor):
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(t[x[:, 0]], t[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
resultsDict["rank-4 SBM"] = evaluate(predFn, testSplit, threshold = 0.1)
Mean. Squared Error | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | AUROC | CrossEntropy | |
rank-4 SVD | 0.105 | 0.825 | 0.534 | 0.806 | 0.806 | 2.823 |
rank-3 SVD | 0.116 | 0.823 | 0.534 | 0.806 | 0.828 | 7.817 |
rank-2 SVD | 0.137 | 0.824 | 0.503 | 0.549 | 0.782 | 7.727 |
rank-4 NMF | 0.124 | 0.826 | 0.518 | 0.577 | 0.712 | 0.978 |
rank-5 NMF | 0.118 | 0.823 | 0.521 | 0.629 | 0.759 | 1.140 |
rank-4 PyTorch SGD | 0.108 | 0.833 | 0.505 | 0.800 | 0.801 | 0.802 |
rank-3 PyTorch SGD | 0.106 | 0.832 | 0.520 | 0.806 | 0.804 | 0.764 |
rank-2 PyTorch SGD | 0.107 | 0.828 | 0.520 | 0.806 | 0.811 | 0.780 |
rank-4 BSM | 0.100 | 0.843 | 0.536 | 0.806 | 0.828 | 7.741 |
Here are a few takeaways.
Let us now run the methods on SBM where each node can belong to 2 clusters (a primary and a secondary cluster). Let us also increase the noise in the generated graph to make the task more challenging.
n = 400
numClusters = 5
sbm = SBM(n, numClusters)
(full, sbmEmbs) = sbm.generateOverlappingSBM(0.6, 0.3, 0.1)
plt.imshow(full, cmap="binary")
plt.title("Input matrix")
plotMatrices = {}
plotMatrices["input"] = full
fullTensor = torch.tensor([(i, j, full[i, j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(i+1, n)])
fullX = fullTensor[:, 0:2]
fullY = fullTensor[:, 2]
fullData = TensorDataset(fullX, fullY)
trainSplit, testSplit = torch.utils.data.random_split(fullData, [0.95, 0.05])
trainColsHalf = np.array([[x[0][0].item(), x[0][1].item(), y.item()] for x, y in DataLoader(trainSplit)])
trainColsOtherHalf = np.column_stack((trainColsHalf[:, 1], trainColsHalf[:, 0], trainColsHalf[:, 2]))
trainCols = np.concatenate((trainColsHalf, trainColsOtherHalf))
spTrain = sparse.coo_matrix((trainCols[:, 2], (trainCols[:, 0], trainCols[:, 1]))).astype(float)
t = torch.tensor(sbmEmbs.todense())
bsmReconstructed = t @ t.transpose(1, 0)
plotMatrices["Original SBM embeddings"] = bsmReconstructed
def predFn(x: torch.Tensor):
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(t[x[:, 0]], t[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
resultsDict = {}
resultsDict["Rank-5 SBM"] = evaluate(predFn, testSplit, 0.01)
uOrig, s, vOrig = sparse.linalg.svds(spTrain, 6)
u6 = torch.tensor(uOrig @ np.sqrt(sparse.diags(s)))
v6 = torch.tensor(np.sqrt(sparse.diags(s)) @ vOrig)
assert torch.norm(u6 - v6.transpose(1, 0), 1) < 1e-5
u5 = u6[:, 1:6]
u2 = u6[:, 4:6]
svd5_reconstructed = u5 @ u5.transpose(1, 0)
plotMatrices["Rank-5 SVD"] = torch.where(svd5_reconstructed > 0.2, svd5_reconstructed, 0)
svd2_reconstructed = u2 @ u2.transpose(1, 0)
plotMatrices["Rank-2 SVD"] = torch.where(svd3_reconstructed > 0.2, svd3_reconstructed, 0)
def predFnSVD5(x: torch.Tensor):
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(u5[x[:, 0]], u5[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
def predFnSVD2(x: torch.Tensor):
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(u2[x[:, 0]], u2[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
resultsDict["Rank-5 SVD"] = evaluate(predFnSVD5, testSplit, 0.2)
resultsDict["Rank-2 SVD"] = evaluate(predFnSVD2, testSplit, 0.2)
_nmf6 = NMF(n_components=6, max_iter=1000)
nmf6 = _nmf6.fit_transform(spTrain)
nmf6 = torch.tensor(nmf6)
_nmf5 = NMF(n_components=5, max_iter=1000)
nmf5 = _nmf5.fit_transform(spTrain)
nmf5 = torch.tensor(nmf5)
nmf6_reconstructed = nmf6 @ nmf6.transpose(1, 0)
plotMatrices["Rank-6 NMF"] = torch.where(nmf6_reconstructed > 0.2, nmf6_reconstructed, 0)
nmf5_reconstructed = nmf5 @ nmf5.transpose(1, 0)
plotMatrices["Rank-5 NMF"] = torch.where(nmf5_reconstructed > 0.2, nmf5_reconstructed, 0)
def predFnNMF6(x: torch.Tensor):
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(nmf6[x[:, 0]], nmf6[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
def predFnNMF5(x: torch.Tensor):
og = torch.sum(torch.mul(nmf5[x[:, 0]], nmf5[x[:, 1]]), dim=1)
return torch.where(og < 0, 0, torch.where(og > 1, 1, og))
resultsDict["Rank-6 NMF"] = evaluate(predFnNMF6, testSplit, 0.2)
resultsDict["Rank-5 NMF"] = evaluate(predFnNMF5, testSplit, 0.2)
sgd5, _, _, _ = train(trainSplit, n, 5, nepochs=1000, posClassWeight=1)
sgd2, _, _, _ = train(trainSplit, n, 3, nepochs=1000, posClassWeight=1)
with torch.no_grad():
sgd5_reconstructed = torch.sigmoid(sgd5.b + sgd5.embs @ sgd5.embs.T)
sgd2_reconstructed = torch.sigmoid(sgd2.b + sgd2.embs @ sgd2.embs.T)
plotMatrices["Rank-5 PyTorch SGD"] = torch.where(sgd5_reconstructed > 0.2, sgd5_reconstructed, 0)
plotMatrices["Rank-2 PyTorch SGD"] = torch.where(sgd3_reconstructed > 0.2, sgd3_reconstructed, 0)
def predFnSGD5(x: torch.Tensor):
return torch.sigmoid(sgd5.forward(x))
def predFnSGD2(x: torch.Tensor):
return torch.sigmoid(sgd3.forward(x))
resultsDict["Rank-5 PyTorch SGD"] = evaluate(predFnSGD5, testSplit, 0.2)
resultsDict["Rank-2 PyTorch SGD"] = evaluate(predFnSGD2, testSplit, 0.2)
Avg L1 norm at init time:3.8427438354492187 Training epoch ..0....20....40....60....80....100....120.. Ending because loss is asymptoting (rollingAvg1: 0.004632673691958189, rollingAvg2: 0.004632451571524143) Avg L1 norm at init time:2.2590187072753904 Training epoch ..0....20....40....60....80.. Ending because loss is asymptoting (rollingAvg1: 0.00477095041424036, rollingAvg2: 0.004770959261804819)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 2)
axs[0, 0].imshow(plotMatrices["input"], cmap="binary")
axs[0, 0].set_title("Input Matrix")
axs[0, 1].imshow(plotMatrices["Original SBM embeddings"], cmap="binary")
axs[0, 1].set_title("Original SBM embeddings")
axs[1, 0].imshow(plotMatrices["Rank-6 NMF"], cmap="binary")
axs[1, 0].set_title("Rank-6 NMF")
axs[1, 1].imshow(plotMatrices["Rank-5 NMF"], cmap="binary")
axs[1, 1].set_title("Rank-5 NMF")
axs[2, 0].imshow(plotMatrices["Rank-5 SVD"], cmap="binary")
axs[2, 0].set_title("Rank-5 SVD")
axs[2, 1].imshow(plotMatrices["Rank-2 SVD"], cmap="binary")
axs[2, 1].set_title("Rank-2 SVD")
axs[3, 0].imshow(plotMatrices["Rank-5 PyTorch SGD"], cmap="binary")
axs[3, 0].set_title("Rank-5 PyTorch SGD")
axs[3, 1].imshow(plotMatrices["Rank-2 PyTorch SGD"], cmap="binary")
axs[3, 1].set_title("Rank-2 PyTorch SGD")
fig.suptitle("Reconstructed matrices with different approaches.")
for ax in axs.flat:
Mean. Squared Error | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | AUROC | CrossEntropy | |
Rank-5 SBM | 0.229 | 0.685 | 0.406 | 0.863 | 0.767 | 28.710 |
Rank-5 SVD | 0.156 | 0.797 | 0.469 | 0.764 | 0.777 | 0.988 |
Rank-2 SVD | 0.184 | 0.728 | 0.354 | 0.853 | 0.695 | 1.091 |
Rank-6 NMF | 0.191 | 0.743 | 0.521 | 0.434 | 0.708 | 1.025 |
Rank-5 NMF | 0.184 | 0.753 | 0.554 | 0.523 | 0.715 | 0.988 |
Rank-5 PyTorch SGD | 0.156 | 0.789 | 0.458 | 0.796 | 0.783 | 0.818 |
Rank-2 PyTorch SGD | 0.156 | 0.792 | 0.442 | 0.825 | 0.780 | 0.820 |